member paling calm di vedit

Posted by Unknown on 05.31
assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu... okelah nama panjang saya andi muhammad imama alghifary.. usia saya sekarang 18 tahun, dan saya sekarang berstatus mahasiswa di fakultas kehutanan universitas hasanuddin.. okelah langsung saja.. tentunya saya les di VEDIT.. apa sih itu vedit? vedit itu tempat bimbingan soft skill yang dimana mempelajari photography videography social media.. dan lain lain

di kelas saya sangat banyak karakter yang berbeda beda ada dari yang sangat cerewet.. cool.. pendiam dan lain lain dehh... okeeelah langsung sajaaaaaa...

member paling calm di vedit namanya ardis.. anaknya sangat pendiam sekali.. mungkin pengaruh tidak mengerti sih...

kemudian... member paling calm di vedit selanjutnya namanya ma'ruf... dialah member paling calm di vedit no. 2

member paling calm di vedit yang ketiga yaitu dipegang oleh sitty

member paling calm di vedit

yang keempat yaitu di pegang oleh fajar


REVIEW "MESAKKE BANGSAKU" pandji pragiwaksono

Posted by Unknown on 01.37
Assalamualaikum. .. di postingan kali ini, saya akan membahas review “mesakke bangsaku” yaitu tour dari sang pemilik “pandji pragiwaksono”. Mungkin sebagian orang tidak tahu arti dari “mesakke”..  well, kata “mesakke” itu berasal dari bahasa jawa yang artinya “kasihan” jadi tour pandji pragiwaksono ini membahas tentang “kasihan bangsaku” heheh..
Saya sangat senang ketika mendengar kabar.. pandji bakalan datang ke makassar #flashback. Nah, di situlah saya udah nabung jauh jauh hari. #hiks. Bisa dibilang saya ini nge-fans banget sama bang pandji.. soalnya bit-bit yang di bawakan lucu banget, sampai membuat saya ketawa terbahak-bahak dan mengeluarkan air mata. Empat jempol dah buat bang pandji.
Saya salut banget buat bang pandji, soalnya diantara comic lain gak ada yang se-ramah bang pandji.  Semoga tour selanjutnya bisa sukses bang,  yang  saya harapkan sih.. bang  pandji main lagi ke makassar dan membawakan bit-bit yang keren dan lucu.
Tak hanya membuat kita tertawa, ternyata ada PESAN MORAL yang di sisipkan ketika kita tertawa yang secara otomatis tertanam di mindset kita.. keren banget dah pokoknya. Jadi sehabis nonton kita pulang mendapat pesan-pesan moral yang di sisipkan bang pandji pada saat kita tertawa.
Saya sangat mengapresiasi smartfren yang telah memberi fasilitas kepada “mesakke bangsaku”.  Keren banget dah smartfren. #EmpatJempolBuatSmartfren
Meskipun sejauh ini saya tidak terlalu mendalami dunia politik.. akhirnya saya pun pelan pelan meresapi pengatahuan berbau dunia politik berkat pesan moral yang disampaikan bang pandji.

Ini dia beberapa foto cakep saya, dan pandji pragiwaksono... CEKIDOT!!!

Kasian banget yah si dipo di hina sama ayahnya sendiri.  Yang saya takutkan sih kalau dipo udah gede trus nonton video standupcomedy yang meterinya tentang dipo, pasti dipo antara marah dan pengen ketawa. Pasti si dipo lucu banget yah, ayahnya saja mirip kungfu panda, apalagi si dipo, mungkin bisa di jadikan gantungan kunci saking imutnya kayak ayahnya..
Jujur banget nih, sbnarnya  bang pandji gak cocok bawa materi durasi 1,5 jam.. cocoknya itu durasi yang 4 jam.. tenang aja bang pandji ntar saya sediakan lalapan, nasi goreng , dan jus alpukat hehe..
Salut buat “mesakke bangsaku” yang di dukung oleh smartfren.. over all keren banget perfecto hehe act out absurd semuanya kena.. GOKIL POKOKNYA!!!!!!!!!!!


 Ini dia beberapa foto cakep saya, dan pandji pragiwaksono... CEKIDOT!!!


 itulah tadi beberapa ekspresi alami para penonton .. lucu yah
sekalian dulu postingan kali ini.. salut buat "mesakke bangsaku!!!!!


7 tips to sharpen your memory! check check

Posted by Unknown on 03.23

Has a genius brain that is the dream of all people . Despite the fact that , just a few who have a brain like a genius physicist Albert Einstein and several other scientists . One characteristic of having a genius brain that can solve complex problems quickly and remember things better that the present and recall memories of the past . Then , is there any tips to sharpen our brains remember .... ? ? ? ? Readmore


5 Tips to Increase Energy and Stamina Fastest Body!

Posted by Unknown on 03.10

5 Tips to Increase Energy and Stamina Fastest Body

     Activity as well as an increasing amount of work each day will drain energy and stamina in large numbers . We feel the real impact of the body will quickly feel tired or exhausted . Weary or tired it will certainly reduce your work productivity . Do not let all these things happen to you . Lots of tips for increasing stamina and energy to the body which we can implement quickly . So , what are the tips fastest increase energy or stamina to the body ... ? ? ?

     Companions , health tips . Various things can cause decreased energy and stamina in your body . Including lack of sleep at night , the lack of nutritional intake of a variety of healthy foods that are needed by the body as well as the unhealthy lifestyle that we still do . Health tips this time will discuss about tips that you can do to improve the energy or stamina to support the activities or tasks. Here are 5 tips fastest increase the energy or stamina to the body :
Always active . Try to do activities on foot for approximately 10 menint before work or activity . This great tips to generate energy or stamina in the body .
Paint life with a laugh . Activity laugh is the easiest tips to boost energy or stamina to the body . This is because , when you laugh , it will increase the burden of energy to support the work that you undertake.
Start with the color red . The color red was able to generate energy and stamina which is owned to top performance. You can start by using the color red on the shirt color or even design a work space with red color .
Morning exercise routine . Morning exercise in addition to nourish the body will have a major impact on the addition or increase the flow of energy to support a variety of activities or employment that drain your energy and thoughts .
Fill your body nutrients . Healthy food is needed by your body . For this reason, eating a variety of fruits such as bananas and a variety of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as various types of marine fish , is a step to boost or increase the body's energy on what you should do .


Dangers of Sitting Too Long Here's to Your Health!

Posted by Unknown on 03.07
Dangers of Sitting Too Long Here's to Your Health

      hello buddy, Sitting is a routine activity that is often done by everyone in all walks of life . Lots of time has been spent on this one activity . Various factors are the cause. For office workers , a lot of work to accomplish them by just sitting in the den . Likewise for those who like surfing , sitting for long hours even they would never realize. In fact , there is a surprising fact that sitting too long on the daily activities will endanger the health of the body and invites many deadly diseases . So , what are the dangers of sitting too long for the body's health .... ? ? ?

      Best friends , tips kesehatan.Menurut the Diabetes Group at the University of Leicester , revealed the fact that a person who spends a lot of time by sitting too long will have a great risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and shorten the life . The researchers are also advised to increase physical activity such as walking to reduce or eliminate various bad effects of sitting too long is . According to Prof Stuart Biddle of loughborough University , those who go to the gym after a day sitting had better health than those who immediately sat down to watch television after a long day at work .
     Easy -paced life in the era of digital is indeed a positive impact in terms of accelerating all one's job . However , no positive impact on improving the quality of health in the body . This is because , we do a lot of routine performed in front of a computer or laptop that requires a person to sit in a relatively long time . Various solutions can we do to reduce or even eliminate many bad dampat too long due to the sitting .
Morning exercise routine for 30 minutes a tips for the whole body and nourish your joints . You can start by walking leisurely , slow running , cycling or even swimming .
For office workers , try to give you pause a few minutes during the move for about half an hour . With the activities in place or walk a little bit out of your work space .
For cyberspace surfers or surfing hobby , then give the rest to the eye organ , and walk out of the room for a few minutes after sitting for 30 minutes in front of a computer screen or laptop .
Too long watching television will force someone to sit with a long duration of time . Hence, the haste off the television during hours sleep a night has arrived or limit to watch television for a healthier life .


This is the danger Sleeping With Light On! check this out

Posted by Unknown on 03.04
This is the danger Sleeping With Light On

         Hi , friends , health tips . Sleep is a routine activity that is done by each person each night. There are so many benefits we can get from sleeping at night these days . Some of the benefits of sleep that night tetsebut can rest our bodies and minds after a day of activities is fairly solid . There are some people who sleep with the lights on and some are sleeping with the lights off . Then , is there any danger of sleeping with the lights on for the health of your body ... ? ? ?

        Companions , health tips . Sleep with the lights on having effects that are not good for your health . This is because , to sleep with the lights on will lower your immune system . So it will be vulnerable to the attack of various diseases . Health tips this time will address an article about the dangers of sleeping with the lights on , friend , health tips . This is the danger of sleeping with the lights on :
Sleep with the lights on will inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin in your body . The hormone melatonin is a hormone that is related to your immune system . So it is advisable to turn off lights when sleeping in order to produce the hormone melatonin in your body . The hormone melatonin can prevent a variety of diseases in your body including breast cancer and prostate cancer .
Sleep with the lights on will stimulate the formation of cancer cells . Therefore , turn off the lights when you sleep at night is the easiest solution to prevent the cancer .
Do not turn on the lights when awake at night as well so the recommended . This is because , short-term exposure of the light can increase the risk of cancer .


7 Benefits of Pure Water For Your Health!!

Posted by Unknown on 02.15
as you know, water is most important in our live. so you must always drink a water

7 Benefits of Pure Water For Your Health

     Water is the best beverage and healthy for your body . But in fact , many of us who prefer drinks that taste sweet that many in the market . Perhaps many of us who do not know that the benefits of water for your health . Then , what benefits we will derive from drinking water for our bodies ... ? ? ? ?

        Companions , health tips . Water is so beneficial to your health . Therefore , health tips do not miss to provide information to you loyal readers of this blog . Okay , so you no longer curious about the benefits of water for your health . Here are the benefits of water for your health :
Water will increase your energy when experiencing fatigue on exertion whatsoever . So water is the drinks were cheap and healthy for your body .
Water will help get rid of the toxins present in your body through the urine that you spend . For itulaha , drink 2-3 liters of water per day is highly recommended for your body .
Water is also beneficial to maintain your weight . This is because water is able to hold your appetite excessive . So for those of you who are experiencing weight problems , drinking water may be the best solution .
Water is also able to make our skin look fresher and fitter every day . So it looks always looks youthful and avoid dull skin .
Water is also very good for the health of our bones . This is because , water helps cells to make us a new bone .
Water also helps the digestive process the food we eat goes well . So it is advisable to drink enough water for our bodies .
Water is also very helpful in preventing constipation which is often experienced by any person in relation to defecation . Drink water so that the problem you are experiencing constipation will not again .

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