7 tips to sharpen your memory! check check

Posted by Unknown on 03.23

Has a genius brain that is the dream of all people . Despite the fact that , just a few who have a brain like a genius physicist Albert Einstein and several other scientists . One characteristic of having a genius brain that can solve complex problems quickly and remember things better that the present and recall memories of the past . Then , is there any tips to sharpen our brains remember .... ? ? ? ? Readmore


5 Tips to Increase Energy and Stamina Fastest Body!

Posted by Unknown on 03.10

5 Tips to Increase Energy and Stamina Fastest Body

     Activity as well as an increasing amount of work each day will drain energy and stamina in large numbers . We feel the real impact of the body will quickly feel tired or exhausted . Weary or tired it will certainly reduce your work productivity . Do not let all these things happen to you . Lots of tips for increasing stamina and energy to the body which we can implement quickly . So , what are the tips fastest increase energy or stamina to the body ... ? ? ?

     Companions , health tips . Various things can cause decreased energy and stamina in your body . Including lack of sleep at night , the lack of nutritional intake of a variety of healthy foods that are needed by the body as well as the unhealthy lifestyle that we still do . Health tips this time will discuss about tips that you can do to improve the energy or stamina to support the activities or tasks. Here are 5 tips fastest increase the energy or stamina to the body :
Always active . Try to do activities on foot for approximately 10 menint before work or activity . This great tips to generate energy or stamina in the body .
Paint life with a laugh . Activity laugh is the easiest tips to boost energy or stamina to the body . This is because , when you laugh , it will increase the burden of energy to support the work that you undertake.
Start with the color red . The color red was able to generate energy and stamina which is owned to top performance. You can start by using the color red on the shirt color or even design a work space with red color .
Morning exercise routine . Morning exercise in addition to nourish the body will have a major impact on the addition or increase the flow of energy to support a variety of activities or employment that drain your energy and thoughts .
Fill your body nutrients . Healthy food is needed by your body . For this reason, eating a variety of fruits such as bananas and a variety of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as various types of marine fish , is a step to boost or increase the body's energy on what you should do .


Dangers of Sitting Too Long Here's to Your Health!

Posted by Unknown on 03.07
Dangers of Sitting Too Long Here's to Your Health

      hello buddy, Sitting is a routine activity that is often done by everyone in all walks of life . Lots of time has been spent on this one activity . Various factors are the cause. For office workers , a lot of work to accomplish them by just sitting in the den . Likewise for those who like surfing , sitting for long hours even they would never realize. In fact , there is a surprising fact that sitting too long on the daily activities will endanger the health of the body and invites many deadly diseases . So , what are the dangers of sitting too long for the body's health .... ? ? ?

      Best friends , tips kesehatan.Menurut the Diabetes Group at the University of Leicester , revealed the fact that a person who spends a lot of time by sitting too long will have a great risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and shorten the life . The researchers are also advised to increase physical activity such as walking to reduce or eliminate various bad effects of sitting too long is . According to Prof Stuart Biddle of loughborough University , those who go to the gym after a day sitting had better health than those who immediately sat down to watch television after a long day at work .
     Easy -paced life in the era of digital is indeed a positive impact in terms of accelerating all one's job . However , no positive impact on improving the quality of health in the body . This is because , we do a lot of routine performed in front of a computer or laptop that requires a person to sit in a relatively long time . Various solutions can we do to reduce or even eliminate many bad dampat too long due to the sitting .
Morning exercise routine for 30 minutes a tips for the whole body and nourish your joints . You can start by walking leisurely , slow running , cycling or even swimming .
For office workers , try to give you pause a few minutes during the move for about half an hour . With the activities in place or walk a little bit out of your work space .
For cyberspace surfers or surfing hobby , then give the rest to the eye organ , and walk out of the room for a few minutes after sitting for 30 minutes in front of a computer screen or laptop .
Too long watching television will force someone to sit with a long duration of time . Hence, the haste off the television during hours sleep a night has arrived or limit to watch television for a healthier life .


This is the danger Sleeping With Light On! check this out

Posted by Unknown on 03.04
This is the danger Sleeping With Light On

         Hi , friends , health tips . Sleep is a routine activity that is done by each person each night. There are so many benefits we can get from sleeping at night these days . Some of the benefits of sleep that night tetsebut can rest our bodies and minds after a day of activities is fairly solid . There are some people who sleep with the lights on and some are sleeping with the lights off . Then , is there any danger of sleeping with the lights on for the health of your body ... ? ? ?

        Companions , health tips . Sleep with the lights on having effects that are not good for your health . This is because , to sleep with the lights on will lower your immune system . So it will be vulnerable to the attack of various diseases . Health tips this time will address an article about the dangers of sleeping with the lights on , friend , health tips . This is the danger of sleeping with the lights on :
Sleep with the lights on will inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin in your body . The hormone melatonin is a hormone that is related to your immune system . So it is advisable to turn off lights when sleeping in order to produce the hormone melatonin in your body . The hormone melatonin can prevent a variety of diseases in your body including breast cancer and prostate cancer .
Sleep with the lights on will stimulate the formation of cancer cells . Therefore , turn off the lights when you sleep at night is the easiest solution to prevent the cancer .
Do not turn on the lights when awake at night as well so the recommended . This is because , short-term exposure of the light can increase the risk of cancer .


7 Benefits of Pure Water For Your Health!!

Posted by Unknown on 02.15
as you know, water is most important in our live. so you must always drink a water

7 Benefits of Pure Water For Your Health

     Water is the best beverage and healthy for your body . But in fact , many of us who prefer drinks that taste sweet that many in the market . Perhaps many of us who do not know that the benefits of water for your health . Then , what benefits we will derive from drinking water for our bodies ... ? ? ? ?

        Companions , health tips . Water is so beneficial to your health . Therefore , health tips do not miss to provide information to you loyal readers of this blog . Okay , so you no longer curious about the benefits of water for your health . Here are the benefits of water for your health :
Water will increase your energy when experiencing fatigue on exertion whatsoever . So water is the drinks were cheap and healthy for your body .
Water will help get rid of the toxins present in your body through the urine that you spend . For itulaha , drink 2-3 liters of water per day is highly recommended for your body .
Water is also beneficial to maintain your weight . This is because water is able to hold your appetite excessive . So for those of you who are experiencing weight problems , drinking water may be the best solution .
Water is also able to make our skin look fresher and fitter every day . So it looks always looks youthful and avoid dull skin .
Water is also very good for the health of our bones . This is because , water helps cells to make us a new bone .
Water also helps the digestive process the food we eat goes well . So it is advisable to drink enough water for our bodies .
Water is also very helpful in preventing constipation which is often experienced by any person in relation to defecation . Drink water so that the problem you are experiencing constipation will not again .


what is "HDR" in photography?!!! check this out

Posted by Unknown on 00.07
What is HDR ?

HDR or High Dynamic Range is the process of making images that contain a large range of Dynamic Range , the range of difference between the " bright " and " dark " are very large , so-called dynamic exposure range .
HDR was formerly called HDRI ( High Dynamic Range Imaging ) . is one technique that involves basic knowledge of shooting techniques and advanced digital imaging . Essentially is to create a file photo ( format * . Hdr ) by combining several photos berobjek same " exact " but different eksposurenya . To produce a file photo a high dynamic range of values ​​( for the purposes of further if more extensive artistic variations )
State differences in darkness and light are very large such as this is called HDR and could be solved with the HDR process . If differences in darkness and light are not too big so instead of HDR lah . About HDR among others in :
Three Main Steps How to Make HDR Photos :
1 . Make Pictures with Multi - Exposure Bracketing different or the technique .
2 . Merge .
3 . Tone -Map

In brief are as follows :

1 . Multi - Exposure : Making some photos of the same but different exposure . ( Bracketing ) .
· There are at least 3 photos with different exposures
· Exposure is a measure of the brightness of a photo . Minus value means that the picture is getting darker , plus the value and the value 0 otherwise normal light )
· 3 photos to be taken it should have the exact same object , use a tripod , or place it on a flat surface without changing the position of 3 photos when shooting because it will later be combined into one photo . If the ordinary with DSLRnya dah ... it could be without a tripod .
2 . Merge : Combine the photos with photo processing sotware like Photoshop , Photo Matic , or Dynamic Photo HDR . ( Download Link Software is here )
All that will be easily filled with cameras Digital Single Lens Reflex ( D - SLR ) due to exposure settings can be done automatically with a continuous shot in Bracket mode ( a mode that shooting 3 or more images in a sequence with different exposures ) , or manually by setting exposure at shutter speeds vary . Remember not to change the aperture . And the tripod is very necessary to get a good result because we certainly do not want our object to shift from one photo to another is not ?
3 . Tone -Map : Perform Tone Map to the combined light of the dark to set the Tone , Tone many processing software , such as Photoshop . If using Dynamic Photo HDR easier in my opinion .
It is a three main steps to make HDR , which will be explained in more detail . Each time you want to make HDR photos , memorable, there are 3 main steps in the process HDR above :)
" Multi - Exposure " / " Merge " / " Tone -Map "
So if there is a state of nature or portraits or anything in the world that contains the difference of dark and light are very large ( large dynamic range ) you can create HDR photos on the circumstances . Does not always have to be during the day , evenings are also many circumstances that contains HDR .
Fake HDR ( Pseudo HDR ) : There is also a fake HDR , which perform Tone Folder to a single file that is processed into 3 different file exposure , but this is not a Fake HDR HDR or Pseudo HDR . The result was good and nyussss mak ... but sometimes it is not perfect because the first step is not performed previously ( MultiExposure ) .

i hope you like it guys


how to read other people's thoughts!!

Posted by Unknown on 23.19
When someone says " I CAN READ YOUR MIND " . What is in your mind ? What is the " wow , definitely heresy " or " this definitely help jin " ? BIG ONE turns you , if it is in your mind ! ! ! why ? Why? Emangnya no way to be able to read the mind without heresy - klenik'an ? Oooh , there must be , and I 'll try to explain it here , so listen completely what I've explained , you will learn , and you can practice it with pride ! ! ! you are not misreading , because it ' tekhnik mind reading ' can learn to read patterns in .

                Prior to further explain how to read the thoughts of others, I think you need to understand the system used to work mind ! ! ! why ? Because human behavior is influenced by his own mind . And for those of you who have never even thought of work to learn the system , you can read my article relating to it HERE

                Let us continue our discussion this time , that means reading the thoughts of others. Now let's assume you already understand the working system of mind , if not , you own one that did not study it, but I had permission is related article about it .

Well, as we already know, most human behavior firmly based than what he had in mind , so it is very clear , when you want to be able and know how to read minds , you simply look at the behavior of what appears from her attitude , if kerennya language Body Language . Sesimpel is it? Lho , If there's a simple way why should figure out how complicated , is not it?

                Basically you all are able to read the mind of others, for example , when your friend showed expression of grief , ( maybe ) you often ask your friend the " hey , what the heck pikirin lu ? Keliatannya excessively lethargic " , wow , without you knowing it , you have often read other people 's mind just by looking at the expression on his face (body language) , is not it?

This was very impressive , you just need to look carefully at his body language , and guess what , the possibility of what is in his mind to influence the behavior speerti ? ! Simple is not it? Yes , very simple , as you just have to know and understand very well the pattern or system of the human mind works , with the capital , you will have " kanuragan " read the mind of others.

types of women
                What about body language is almost out of sight, movement resembling normal movement ? This is what I mentioned earlier, you need to really understand system'nya , and you also need to learn from yourself, when you are nervous, what movement you show your body posture ? Learn its details , sturkturnya , and other trials in the way attention gestures / body language that he had shown .

I will give a simple example , like this : you know? When a child tells a lie, then he will shut his mouth with both hands. But over the development of mind (read : LPB ) , then he has the ability to transform his body language , such as Otis just chuck hand to the mouth with a glance , or scratching near the mouth to cover his mouth , scratching or sweep hand is the change exists body language patterns of a small child to an adult, but the mind still make it behave sadarnya so. See?

Through Mind Reading Body Language A

                Well this one is looking at the body language of deceit through his eyes. wow , cool! ! ! . you know? showed that the human left brain is used to think matters relating to logic , while the right brain is used for things relating to the imagination . Here we can understand , when you move your companion or friend towards his left eye , then it can be ascertained , he is using logic , and vice versa , when he move his eyes to the right , then even sure if he could at being imagine . Meaning what explanation was? So this way, when you ask the question that has logic elements , but your friend move his eyes right collar then answer your questions , guess he is honest or lie? Intelligent , means you have to understand , that your friend is lying , why ? Because your friend replied with imagination , imagine , or stringing a story of imagination results , not based on memories that are already in its natural , when you query contains elements of logic / memory , right? ! .

Examples of questions that should be answered using the logic / memory :

Hey , you come here late last where ?
Sayank , what time you went away , the same one ? ( cieee , Nanya ya girlfriend )
Examples of questions that should be answered with imagination / imagine "

Can you think of a horse -headed tiger ?
Clear enough ? Good , now you start to see the importance of learning about this , right? why ? Of course, since we are social beings who would not want to have to communicate with others , how do we know the person is lying or not ? how do we know what is thoughtless friends or our friends , so we can understand it , until we become good friends ? Yes , read his body language is not just to rely on your hearing to listen to the words in ucapkannya . Interesting is not it ? !

The more you train your awareness of your friend to read your body language , I'm sure , you will be getting trained to be able to read what is running in your mind your friend .

This is even just a small expansion of self- knowledge , that is NLP , Hypnosis or other self-development imu , could you take a lot of benefits, once you learn it.

Safe practice , may be beneficial , and use the knowledge you have learned for the benefit of each other .


cara mempercepat koneksi WIFI. CEKIDOT!

Posted by Unknown on 23.08
oke guys saya akan membagikan sedikit ilmu tentang bagaimana cara untuk mempercepat koneksi wifi biar kecepatannya cepat banget kayak lari motor ninja 4 tak heheh. mari mari

1. Koneksikan komputer anda pada jaringan wifi. Setelah itu klik kanan pada nama jaringan lalu pilih Status
2. maka akan muncul Status Wireles Network Connection lalu klik Detail
3. Ingat atau catat angka yang  ada seperti dilingkaran warna merah.
4. Klik Start ► Run Ketik cmd.exe     (Windows + R untuk win 7)
5. Ketikkan teks ini ping -l 500 –t ping -l 500 -t lalu enter
tujuannya adalah anda meminta bandwitch sebanyak 500 bytes dari server jaringan hotspot. Bandwitch normal yang diberikan biasanya hanya 32 bytes per-user tetapi dengan mengetikkan format diatas berarti anda meminta 500 bytes, tetapi jika anda belum puas anda bisa menambahkannya sampai 1000, 2000, 3000 sapai 6000 pada angka 500 itu. adalah IP address dari jaringan hotspot yang aku gunakan. 
Biarkan jendela cmd terbuka selama anda internetan
Ping cmd
Bisa dibayangkan betapa kasihannya orang yang cuma mendapatkan 32 bytes sedangkan anda 500 bytes. Ingat untuk mengasihani orang lain
Semoga ada manfaatnya….

selamat mencoba semuanya :)


chemistry assignment of hasanuddin university

Posted by Unknown on 23.03
1.     Berikan penjelasan dan contoh tentang: system, lingkungan, kalor, kerja, energy dalam, entalpi, entropi, spontan, reversibel.
2.     Seorang mahasiswa makan jalangkote yang nilai kalorinya adalah sebesar 102 Joule (sesuai dengan informasi dari penjual jalangkote) di Pintu 1. Setelah makan, mahasiswa itu jalan kaki masuk ke kampus. Dari kalorimeter digital yang dia miliki tercatat nilai sebesar 57 Joule untuk aktivitas itu. Hitung perubahan energy dalam mahasiswa tersebut, jika system tubuhnya hanya tergantung dari kedua aktivitas itu.
3.     Satu mol uap benzene dicairkan pada titik diidh normalnya, yaitu 80,1 C. Proses ini merupakan proses reversibel, dan berlangsung pada tekanan tetap 1 atm. Jika diketahui panas penguapan benzene adalah 30,75 kJ/mol, hitung q, w, DU (atau DE), DH, DS dan DG. (tetapan R = 8,31 J/mol.K)
4.     Suatu cuplikan n-heptana sebanyak 0,5 g dibakar secara sempurna dengan oksigen berlebih dalam calorimeter bom (pada volume tetap) menjadi CO2(g) dan H2O(l). Suhu air yang mengelilingi wadah pembakaran meningkat sebanyak 2,934 C. Jika kapasitas kalor calorimeter dan perlengkapannya adalah 8175 J/K dan suhu rata-rata calorimeter adalah 25 C, hitung DU dan DH, per mol heptana, bagi proses ini.

5.     Hitung entalpi standard dari reaksi disosiasi gas PCl5 menjadi PCl3 dan Cl2 . Apakah reaksi berlangsung eksotermik atau endotermik. Note: lihat data-data entalpi reaksi di diktat/buku referensi.
6.     Hitung entalpi standard untuk reaksi pembakaran etanol. Apakah reaksi berlangsung eksotermik atau endotermik. Note: lihat data-data entalpi reaksi di diktat/buku referensi.
7.     Jika serbuk tembaga ditambahkan pada larutan perak nitrat di dalam tabung reaksi ? Dengan kata lain, apakah reaksi: Cu(s) + 2 Ag+ (aq) à Cu2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s), merupakan reaksi spontan ? (T,P à standard)
8.     Berikan penjelasan secara termodinamika terhadap pertanyaan ini: mengapa mulut terasa dingin pada saat mengunyah es krim ?
Bab 9. Kinetika Kimia

  1. Berikan penjelasan singkat disertai dengan contoh dari istilah: laju (rate), persamaan laju (rate equation), hukum laju (rate law), orde reaksi, konstanta laju, energy aktivasi, sifat-sifat yang mempengaruhi laju reaksi, katalis.
  2. Perhatikan reaksi: H2O2(aq) à H2O(l) + ½ O2(g) . Jika disosiasi 3M hydrogen peroksida pada reaksi itu  memiliki tetapan laju reaksi 7x10-4 det-1, maka tentukanlah: konsentrasi yang terurai, konsentrasi yang tersisa, waktu paruh dan konsentrasi hydrogen peroksida yang dibutuhkan agar tersisa 0,75M setelah 3,5 menit.
  3. Jika reaksi pada soal No. 2 berlangsung pada suhu 45C, ternyata kecepatan reaksi peruraiannya memiliki kemiringan grafik -0,25. Berdasarkan data tersebut tentukanlah energy aktivasi rekasi dan tetapan Arrhenius dari reaksi itu
  4. Data eksperimen untuk reaksi: aA + bB à cC adalah sbb, maka orde reaksinya adalah: A. A=1, B=1; B. A=1, B=2, C. A=2, B=1, D. A=2, B=2, E. A=-1, B=-2.
[A], M
[B], M
Laju, M/menit
  1. Dari soal No. 4 diatas, maka tetapan laju reaksi(k) adalah: A. 0,4 M2/menit; B. 0,25 M2/menit; C. 2,5 M2/menit; D. 4 M2/menit; E. 0,8 M2/menit.
  2. Pada reaksi disosiasi N2O5 diperoleh grafik antara log N2O5 terhadap waktu merupakan garis lurus dengan kemiringan grafik 0,0054. Jika mula-mula terdapat N2O5 sebanyak 2 M, maka setelah 3 menit akan tersisa sebanyak: A. 0,121 M; B. 0,632 M; C. 1,321 M; D. 1,010 M; E. 4,688 M.

Kluster 4. Energi
Soal diskusi kelas
Bab 10. Elektrokimia

1.     Jelaskan dan berikan contoh  dari terminologi berikut: sel volta, sel elektrolisis, sel konsentrasi, katoda, anoda, elektroda dan potensial sel.
2.     Dengan menggunakan data potensial elektroda standar yang ada di diktat(or any references), hitunglah potensial sel standard dan potensial sel (dalam kalori), jika sel elektrokimia tersebut menggunakan larutan ZnSO4 0,35M dan  CuSO4 0,55M pada suhu 27C. Diketahui tetapan R = 8,314 J/mol.K.
3.     Tentukanlah jumlah gas klor yang dihasilkan dan pH larutan jika 500mL NaCl 0,4 M dielektrolisis selama 45 menit dengan arus 0,7A. Diketahui 1F = 96500C.
4.     Jika diketahui potensial reduksi standar Cu= 0,34V dan Zn = 0,76V, maka sel dengan notasi Cu/Cu2+(1M) !! Zn2+(1M)/Zn akan menghasilkan arus listrik sebesar berapa volt  ?
5.     Pernahkah Sdr. jalan-jalan ke pasar Sentral Makassar ? Di mana letak pasar tersebut ? Dipasar itu, kita bisa melihat barang-barang perhiasan (baik perak, emas dll) dimasukkan ke dalam larutan tertentu dan disambung dengan larutan lain yang terkoneksi ke baterei. Coba ceritakan dan jelaskan dengan konsep-konsep yang Sdr. pelajari di bab ini, apa nama atau proses apa yang dilakukan oleh sebagian pedagang di pasar itu.
6.     Pernahkah Sdr. menggunakan baterei ? Berikan contoh baterei yang ada disekeliling Sdr.
7.     Pernahkah Sdr. mendengar istilah rechargeable battery dan un-rechargeable battery? Apa pula maksud istilah tersebut ? Berikan penjelasan singkat (dengan reaksi tentunya) dari proses tersebut. Dimana letak perbedaan dasar dari kedua istilah itu? Yang mana yang lebih mahal harganya, rechargeable battery atau un-rechargeable battery?


"the tamper trap" dougy (vocalist) from indonesia!

Posted by Unknown on 04.46

hello my friend turned the famous band "the tamper trap" vocalist from Indonesia (Manado) for fans "the tamper trap" would know this.

The Temper Trap is the band's alternative rock genre of Melbourne , Australia . Their debut album , Conditions , published in 2009 with producer Jim Abbiss . They are influenced by Radiohead , Prince , Massive Attack , The Jester People , and U2 . In addition , although The Temper Trap from Australia this band does it all Australians because the vocalist and guitarist of The Temper Trap Dougy Mandagi named a man from Indonesia .
Their songs have been featured in the soundtrack of the video game Rugby 08 , FIFA 10 , pes 2011 and Colin McRae : Dirt 2 . In addition to the song " Sweet Disposition " appearing in the teaser trailer for the film ( 500 ) Days of Summer . The song was also played in the series Underbelly : A Tale of Two Cities , Greek , One Tree Hill , Skins , 90210 , and The Deep End .

All the story of the band The Temper Trap This stems from a young man named Dougy Mandagi . Born in Indonesia, and lived in the family blood is thick with art , make Dougy gained much influence in his musical life . Minor periods Dougy is spent following in the church choir with his uncle and aunt , or listening to his father playing country music on his guitar .

Having wandered here and there , Dougy eventually docked in Melbourne , a city in mainland Australia . And this is where all the magic began . Dougy who is working as a painter photos and not only earn more than $ 25 , met Toby who was a drummer . Dougy then invited him to join , and shortly thereafter joined as bassist Jonathon . Lorenzo the guitarist , who is also an old friend of Toby , join last to complete The Temper Trap . Together this band as frontman Dougy , The Temper Trap have written many songs and occasionally playing small gigs in the neighborhood sekitar.Sampai finally came a legendary producer named Jim Abiss . Successful producer orbit Kasabian and The Arctic Monkey 's even willing to fly all the way to Melbourne just to take care of first album The Temper Trap .

The first album entitled The Temper Trap Conditions , was very well received not only in Australia , but to the United Kingdom to the plains . This was evidenced from album sales , even their first single , Sweet Disposition was booming when the song was used as the soundtrack of a movie called Australia Wide Screen 500 days of Summer . In Indonesia alone , the song Sweet Disposition was once also used as the theme song for the ad Jiffest ( Jakarta International Film Festival ) in 2009 .
The Temper Trap personnel :
Dougy - Vocal , Guitar | Jonathon - Bass | Lorenzo - Guitar | Toby - Drums


tips on photographing waterfalls!

Posted by Unknown on 23.48
trick to take photo waterfall

The waterfall is the subject of an interesting photo and very popular among photographers scenery / landscape . Photographing waterfalls require a particular technique , namely :

Manual camera settings
To get a smooth waterfall picture , we need a slow shutter speed , approximately 1/4 seconds to 2 seconds . The longer we open the shutter , the smoother the waterfall.

Opening / aperture used is actually quite small , such as f/11 or f/16 . With openings as small as it is , the whole scene will look sharp . Avoid openings that are too small as f/22 or f/32 because image quality will be reduced due to the diffraction lens .

For ISO , you should use the lowest ISO , such as ISO 100 ( most Canon DSLR cameras ) or 200 ( Nikon DSLR cameras ) in order to obtain optimal image quality .

For lenses , I propose to use a wide lens , because it gives the impression of depth or three dimensions . Dimensions will be more visible when we vertical composition by incorporating environmental elements such as rocks around the waterfall .

When the photo daytime heat and light once , often a combination of aperture , shutter speed and ISO as recommended above still produce images that are too bright . If that happens , we can use the so-called Neutral Density filter . This filter will absorb more light so the exposure / exposure of your photos to fit . Neutral Density filter that darkens the existing 1 stop to 10 stops of light . I suggest using a minimum of 3 stop Neutral Density filters also called ND8 .

Another filter that can help the Circular Polarizer . This filter serves to reduce the reflection of light so that the image becomes better . Blue sky will be blue and the reflection of light into the water or into the rocks surrounding the waterfall will be lost or reduced . These filters also absorb light by about 2 stops of light so it helps us get aperture - shutter speed settings - ISO is needed . The CPL filter is one of the mandatory filter for landscape photography hobby . How to use this CPL filter is put in front of the lens and then rotate the filter until you get the desired effect ( when the reflection of light is lost / reduced ) .

Tripod is a mandatory tool for landscape photography , not least to photograph waterfalls . Tripod ensure our pictures do not blur because the shutter speed is slow . Many types of tripods on the market , in general , a sturdy tripod and light it is best for landscape photography or sightseeing .

Appropriate focus for landscape photos is also important , but fortunately we usually use a small aperture setting so that the sharp part of a wider picture . We can choose to focus on the waterfall or beside rocks . Focus depends on taste , which part we want to highlight or seen most dramatically in the photo.

Waterfall photo composition are essentially two , namely horizontal and vertical compositions . Horizontal composition made ​​waterfall scenery becomes more calm and stable , while the vertical composition gives the impression of a dynamic and fast . Do not forget to include a waterfall environment such as rocks , trees , foliage or people swimming or playing water at the waterfall .


Step By Step Learning photography from zero

Posted by Unknown on 23.28

Step By Step Learning photography from zero

Learning digital photography is complex . Therefore a lot of people may be wondering how to study .. should start from where ? nah this post seeks to provide practical steps in learning photography .

First of all we need a camera . Based on the size of the sensor , the camera is divided into two , compact cameras and DSLR cameras . Then apabedanya compact cameras and DSLR cameras ? I was just able to buy a pocket camera , if I can not learn photography with compact cameras ? Never fear , though cheap , compact cameras have kelebihantersendiri and do not make an obstacle to learning photography .

Secondly we need to learn about light exposure . The essence of photography is exposure , or total light entering the light-sensitive sensor . Because the light is exactly , the picture is formed . Our role as a photographer is to control the amount of light entering the lens by changing aperture size , shutter speed and ISO . The three elements I refer to as the golden triangle of photography .

Third , we would have to learn our cameras , especially the fashion - fashion , light measurement ( metering ) and auto focus .

Fourth , we need to know what is the depth of focus ( depth of field ) and what the factors.

Fifth , we must know how to take sharp pictures and not blurred .

Sixth , we must study the composition of good photos and interesting .

Seventh , we must study the character of the light , especially the direction and intensity of light .

Eighth , we must learn to anticipate and take photos at the right time .

Ninth , we must learn to tell through photographs , either with a single photo or series of photos.

Tenth , we must learn to process images with digital effects . Sports photos in the digital age is easy to learn and open a new chapter in digital photography .

Similarly, sequence learning about photography for beginners . As you can see , there are many posts that I could discuss each of these steps . Photography is a science that developed so rapidly and have no end , but when confronted difficulties , please do not give up and continue to learn and practice .


about "ONE DIRECTION" profile

Posted by Unknown on 23.02
about one direction

okay buddy, for lovers of "one direction" certainly will not miss the biodata about 5 handsome young man and sweet. "one direction" consists of 5 people, and has a distinctive sound character. This was he of his:

Complete Biography One Direction , 2013 - Biography One Direction . One Direction singer is one of the group consisting of 5 persons teenage boy who is very cute . Latest Biodata One Direction More ...

Complete Biography One Direction 2013

Her son is cute Niall Horan , Zayn Malik , Liam Payne , Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are derived from English - Hussey .

This group was formed in 2010 in london and released the first album began in November 2011 , titled " up all night" and the album became the fastest selling album in the UK in 2011 , and the group now has hypnotized the world music lovers the world especially in Indonesia , for those who want to know more about bio-data one direction at right , we see the same below :

One Direction is a boy band that originated arguably British - Irish who formed in London in 2010 , which consisted of 5 men , namely Niall Horan , Harry Styles , Zayn Malik , Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson . because last year he also suffered failures to the same , the difference between the year 2009 and Liam did not qualify because of age is too young . and One Direction was born on 22 July 2010 , along with the girl band Belle Amie from X - Factor as well .

One Direction eventually taking third place in The X - Factor , under Rebecca Ferguson , who finished second and Matt Cardle who won one , but who would have thought the popularity of One Direction after the competition has increased to the entire - English

Then One Direction issued her first album , titled Up All Night , their first single entitled ' What Makes You Beautiful ' was released rise to September 2011 , reached the top first in the UK Single Chart and was named the most requested singles of all time by Sony Music Entertainment . In an event in March 2012 , One Direction is visiting Manhattan in the United States pose a crowd of fans very much . Popularity One Direction boy band revival sparked Europe and pose a new British Invasion phenomenon in America .

Album Up All Night in America paa recently released in March 2012 and immediately occupied the first position on the Billboard 200 .

 Full Name : Harry Edward Styles
Born : February 1, 1994
Origin : Holmes Chapel , Cheshire , UK
Religion : Christian
Fav movies . : Love Actually
Fav song . : Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
Hobbies : Play tennis and badminton
Twitter : @ Harry_Styles
Audition song : " is not she lovely"

Full Name : Niall James Horan
Born : 13 September 1993
Origin : Mullingar , County Westmeath , Ireland
Religion : Christian
Fav movies . : Grease
Fav color . : Green
Fav musical instruments . : Guitar
Twitter : @ niallofficial
Audition song : " so sick "

Complete Biography One Direction 2013

Full Name : Zayn Malik Javadd
Real Name : Zain
Born : January 12, 1993
Origin : Lane Baildon , Bradford , UK
Religion : Islam
Twitter : @ zaynmalik
Audition song : " Let Me Love You "

Complete Biography One Direction 2013

Full Name : Liam James Payne
Born : August 29, 1993
Origin : Wolverhampton , West Midlands , UK
Religion : Christian
Hobbies : Play Basketball
Fav actor . : Adam Sandler
Twitter : @ Real_Liam_Payne
Audition song : " Cry Me a River "

Full Name : Louis William Tomlinson
Born : December 24, 1991
Origin : Doncaster , South Yorkshire , UK
Religion : Christian
Fav movies . : Grease
Fav band . : The Fray
Twitter : @ Louis_Tomlinson
Audition song : " Hey There Delilah "



"KONDRO" special food from makassar

Posted by Unknown on 22.45
delicious food

This food is one of the special foods that come from Makassar. This is made from beef ribs. tastes very good, and very much enjoy doing by Caucasians. because it is so tasty and delicious, this time I will share recipes from around the KONDRO Makassar. let's see

How to Make Soup Recipes Konro Makassar . For those of you a culinary lover , and want to make a variety of dishes for the family does not hurt to make this one dish . At this time we will share info about How To Make Soup Konro Makassar . Here is How to cook Soup Recipes Konro Makassar More ...

How to Make Soup Recipes Konro Makassar

Soup recipe Konro Napier

Sop material Konro

Iga beef , 500 grams
Beef bouillon , 1300 ml
Ginger , 1 cm , grated
Galangal , 2 cm , grated
Cinnamon , 1.5 cm
Cloves , 2 grains
Cardamom , 3 eggs
Cooking oil , 2 tablespoons
Tamarind water , 1 tablespoon

Subtle spice

Kluwak , 1 fruit , take the meat , soak in hot water
Toasted coconut , 2 tablespoons
Garlic , 2 cloves
Red onion , 6 eggs
Turmeric , 1 cm
Pecans, 3 eggs , toasted
Coriander , 1 teaspoon
Cumin , 1/2 teaspoon
Pepper powder , 1/4 teaspoon
Salt , to taste

Topping Pizza Konro Makassar

Fried onion , to taste
Green onion , 2 stalks , thinly sliced

How to cook soup Konro Makassar

Boil the broth until boiling .
Enter the beef ribs , boiled until cooked and soft . Lift .
Heat oil , saute ground spices , galangal , ginger , cinnamon , cardamom , and cloves until fragrant . Lift .
Enter herbs sauteed in beef rib stew , stir well .
Pour the tamarind water , bring to a boil . Lift .
Pour soup konro in serving bowl , sprinkle with fried onions and leeks . Serve warm .

Serves 4

So that we can say to you about " Making Soup Recipe Konro Makassar " may be useful for you . Congratulations to cook and try it at home .. Do not forget to read another article about the recipe :

1 . How to Make a recipe Soto Betawi Wear Milk
2 . How to Make Chicken recipes Rolade

i hopu u like it guys

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